Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have been trying to figure out how to keep all of the children's school work, awards, projects, etc., without creating more of a cluttered home. I am the kind of person who holds on to almost everything, especially when it comes to my children. Well, my folders, filing cabinets, and cubby spaces for the kids "school stuff" is overwhelmingly full. So, my project at hand is to take pictures of everything and store it electronically. Tim purchased me an e-book for Christmas which is basically a little external hard drive that I can leave on my desk or take any where if need be. I have since copied almost everything on my computer to it. This includes the thousands of pictures I have taken over the years as well as very important papers,emails, and etc. It will be one of the top things to grab if my house ever burns down! So, the latest awards the children have received are going down in my journal(blog) so that I can look back later in life and still feel as proud then, as I do now! The picture above has the awards the children received this nine weeks in school. In the Elementary where Kami and Coltin attend, they have a "HOPE" assembly every nine weeks. The teacher's choose a child out of there class to receive different awards and I was very proud that both Coltin and Kami received the "Leadership" award. At Nolan's school, The Jessamine Early Learning Village, the teacher's can "catch" a friend doing something good. This can be for trying your best, playing nicely, expressing yourself, safe hands and feet, etc. Nolan has been "caught" several times this year already. He was even "caught" on his first day of school! Each time he receives an apple necklace to wear home. I have started hanging them here and there to let him know how proud we are of him.

I can't figure out why this picture keeps loading sideways but are Peighton's awards for Obtaining Distinguished Score's in Math, Reading, and Practical Living. These scores are the highest that can be attained on the statewide CATS (Commonwealth Accountability Testing System) testing. I think when I was in school these were called C.T.B.S.(Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills) test! As an award for her scores, she received an i.d. card that gets her in any school function FREE!

Coltin received All A's this nine weeks and also the Leadership Award!

The Leadership award is for
"demonstrating strength of character in pursuing positive relationships with teachers and fellow-students and in facing the challenges of academic work"

Kami also received the Leadership award as well as Exemplary Attendance for this nine weeks.


Natalie said...

Way to go Yantz kids! I am amazed at how awesome your kids's a great tribute to the great parents they have :) Miss you guys...let's get together soon.

Jackie said...

So fun to read your blog and see your kids! They are all soo big! How time flies, eh? It will be fun keeping up with what is going on with you! I am having a girls game night here tomorrow night! you should come...heeheeheehee. This is only the second one since moving here 7 months ago, but gotta start somewhere!

Tricia said...

Thanks for voting although I like facebook better as a way to communicate back and forth. But Blog is a good way to journal. I printed out my blog today and mailed it to my sister in Argentina. That is what I'll use my blog for. But as for commenting back and forth facebook is better!