Monday, May 18, 2009

Sweet Nolan

I saw this little questionaire while I was blog stalking awhile back and saved it to use one day for my little guy. I haven't finished asking him all the questions yet, but as I do, I plan to update it! So here goes!!! The answers are his EXACT words!
1. What is something that mommy always says to you? I love you.
2. What makes mommy happy? Being good.
3. What makes mommy sad? When I'm bad or when you smash your finger again!
4. How does mommy make you laugh? Make funny stuff. You be silly!
5. What was your mommy like as a child? Cinderella
6. How old is mommy? 14
7. How tall is mommy? Tall like really tall!
8. What is mom's favorite thing to do? cook
9. What does mommy do when your not around? get on the computer
10. If mommy becomes famous what will it be for? I don't know
11. What is mommy really good at? cooking
12. What is mommy not very good at? I don't know
13. What does mommy do for her job? cook, sub, and get me off the bus!
14. What is mommy's favorite food? salad
15. What makes you proud of mommy?
16. If mommy was a cartoon character, who would I be?
17. What do you and mommy do together?
18. How are you and mommy the same?
19. How are you and mommy different?
20. How do you know mommy loves you?
21. What does mommy like most about Daddy?
22. Where is mommy's favorite place to go?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Soccer Soccer and more Soccer

Passing the ball to a teammate!

Shooting a goal!

Fast break to the goal for a score!

She's got speed and hops!!