Peighton had been feeling a little under the weather on Wed. and Thurs. so I decided to take her to the doctor on Friday. Coltin and Keegan were in a really cute play on Friday at school, so Rashel found someone to stay with Trystan at the hospital so she could come and watch them. Afterwards, she took Coltin, Kami, Nolan, and the kids I babysit, Jacob, Ben, and Jonathon, back to my house so I could take Peighton to her 3:30 appointment. I thought she might have an urinary tract infection as she was complaining of peeing alot and some discomfort. Well, on the drive into Lexington we were talking mom and daughter talk! I cherish these talks as they are few and far between. We seldom have just Peighton and Mom time alone. Anyway, she asks me the question, "where did they get pee out of the word urine?" "Hmmmm...good question," I replied. I suggested we ask Dr. Feese and see what she had to say. Me and the good doctor are on a first name basis as we have been going to see her many many times a year for almost 14 years now! So I said, "Robin, Peighton has a very good question for you." and then Peighton went on to ask her. Dr. Feese's reply was, "I don't know!" We decided to do a little research and get back with her the next time we came in! On the way home, Peighton was so impressed with herself that she had a legit question that had not only stumped her dear old ma, but also the good Dr. Feese! She came home and we "googled" it and came up with somewhat of a disappointing answer. It is simply from the first letter of the word piss. Piss is not considered polite today, but it was in fairly wide use up to the 19th century. Pee was coined as a euphemism for piss and the verb form of pee dates in the written records from 1788; it probably existed some time before then but simply did not get written down. Piss is quite a bit older, dating in writing from 1290. It is thought to be onomatopoeic (imitative in sound) of the act of urinating. English got piss from Old French, which also gave it to other Germanic languages. Those public urinals that ornament the streets of French cities are called pissoirs.
Well, now that we have that all cleared up, Peighton has challenged herself to continue to come up with questions that I or her Dad, do not know the anwers to. This should be quite simple, but I will not let her know that!
On another note about my oldest child Peighton:
Trystan was realeased from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and Rashel was taking him to Campbellsville to visit Grommie and Grandmommie. She had told Nolan that he was welcome to go as long as mom and dad said ok. Of course when the other's heard about it, they to wanted to go. Rashel being an awesome aunt, said of course they could go as long as I would lend her my van. I said, "Here are the keys and the tank is full!" ha! Peighton really wanted to go but had 2 big projects due on Monday, so she stayed home with us. Tim and I decided to go out for dinner and asked Peighton if she would like to go with us. Her reply was, "I would like to go, but you and daddy never get to go out alone much, so I will stay home." I felt a little guilty leaving her home alone but knew she would be fine. Tim and I went to dinner and then decided to rent a movie and take it home to watch it with Peighton. We rented Fireproof and snuggled up in our big king size bed and watched it. It was really fun even though she ended up falling asleep half way through! I suppose I am so used to being woke up early by my dear children, that I forgot to set the alarm for church. When I was finally startled awake by something(I think it was Tim's snoring), it was almost 11:00!! Needless to say, we missed church. The 3 of us spent the day relaxing and doing small odds and ends around the house together. Baked an orange juice cake, finished up Peighton's project, and wondered what the kids may be doing at Grommie's. It was really funny because the doorbell rang twice with kids looking for Coltin or Kami. When I replied that the were not here, they still wanted to come in and hang out! Rashel made the comment that even though she took the kids away to give us a break, we still ended up with a house full! I wouldn't have it any other way and I am very thankful that my children's friends feel safe, secure, and welcomed in our home. When we were alone again, Peighton said,"I am glad that I am not an only child. I mean it was nice for the 1st little bit to have peace and quiet and you guys all to myself, but now I just miss them. Even though they DO get on my nerves alot!" Well this statement made my heart sing! Somewhere deep inside, I always have this fear of not giving enough quality time to each of my children. When she made that statement, it took all that fear away. I am so thankful that I have been blessed with such amazing children who love each other. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that my children care about each other!
Anti-haul...more cleaning out...
6 years ago
How nice to have one on one time with Peighton! Yeah for Mom Moments that helps us to see that we aren't doing a bad job after all! :) And we loved the movie Fireproof! :)
Isn't it awesome that you can have such a great relationship with your daughter...i love the relationship i have with my mom. She always seemed to know when i needed a friend and when i needed a mom.
Peighton is a beautiful girl with a bright spirit...and she is lucky to have such a great mom!
See you tonight for applebees night :)
That is so sweet! Your kids are so fun and nice.
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