Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's official...gotta move!

This may seem little to the normal person....but I am so UNNORMAL when it comes to my phobia of snakes!

As many of my family and friends know........I abhor snakes! Well, Tim was out mowing the lawn(with a 3 wheeled mower i might add, but that's a whole other post!), and he comes to the back door to tell me he has a little surprise for me! He then procedes to pick up this horrid creature and tell me it was in MY back yard! We have been living here for almost 6 years and have came across many creatures.....frogs,rabbits,slugs,mice,roley poley's and the like BUT, never this vile creature! So the only solution to this problem is moving! I can't even go outside now without getting the heebee jeebies! In my own home! Outrageous! Unbelievable! I don't think my solution will pass, but I can only hope and pray that there will be no more of the disgusting,evil creatures!


Karm said...

This was inevitable! You should know by now that your "abhoring" sends out a signal to all snakes to head your way :)!

The Hicks of Kentucky said...

Lol. Yea you don't want to move anywhere near Maggie and Nate they have snakes in their back yard too!