Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My baby turns 5!

It is hard to believe that the baby of the family is now 5 years old! He has been looking forward to this day for some time now. I, on the other hand, have not! Only because it brings to reality that one, I am getting on up there in age, and two, that my baby is growing up way to fast. Much to my chagrin, he has wanted a Chucke Cheese birthday since the minute his 4th birthday party was over. I was hoping this would change throughout the year, but it did not. Sooo, at the last possible minute, I booked his party. I booked it for Friday during the day hoping that it would be less crowded! Wrong! I should have known with it being spring break that all of Fayette and Jessamine Counties would be there as well! Overall it really wasn't so bad and Mr. Nolan had a wonderful time and loved every minute of it! Aunt Raina showed her artistic skills again and made his cake. Free handed I might add! Everyone thought that Batman was just a stage and he would go on to the next obsession, but that is just not the case. He is truly obsessed and believes he was born to save the world from evil! I can only hope and pray that this is indeed true! He is one special little boy that not only loves his mommy VERY much but everyone he comes in contact with. He is quick to help out, loves to share, always thinks of others, and a deep thinker. He had won several tickets on the games at Chucke Cheese and we had already turned them in for prizes. Then his Dad hands him another 60 tickets and tells him to go pick some more prizes. He had just over heard me tell his friend Lydia that she only had 6 tickets to turn in as he skipped off with Tim to pick out more prizes. When they returned, Tim shared with me that as he stood in line with Lydia at the prize counter, he looked to be in deep thought. Then he suddenly looked up and told Lydia that she could have his tickets to add to her 6. This may not seem to big of a deal for an adult like myself, but for a little guy, this was MAJOR! I am so proud of Nolan and the little gentleman that he is becoming. He warms my heart and soul on a daily basis and I look forward to our snuggle time each night before bed. As we were lying there Friday night after all the hoopla and excitement was over, he says to me, "mom, I'm 5 now you can't pick me up any more can you?" I think he needed reassuring that he would always be my baby and I would pick him up or snuggle him for as long as he would allow me to! I am glad that he needed that reassuring because I KNOW I sure did!
Nolan with his best buds: Carter and Ben

Carter and Nolan riding the big jeep!

1 comment:

Karm said...

Happy 5th Birthday Nolan! Super Cool Cake!!!! Hope it was a fantabulous one!!!!Love, Karmen