Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

We started off the week with making Aunt Precie and Aunt Karmen's sugar cookies for F.H.E. Daddy was working so he didn't get to participate in this new Christmas tradition, hoopefully he will be able to next year! On Christmas Eve, we went to see a movie and then came home to make our infamous home-made pizza! (thanks Aunt Karmen for teaching us!) Each year we let the kids open one gift on Christmas Eve. They were soooo excited even though the older ones new it would be pajamas!! We also have a tradition of getting a new ornament each year. Daddy and I try to get each child one that represents what they have done through out the year. I think we did well!! After hanging the ornaments we made cookies for Santa and then it was time for the kids to go to bed! The kids have their own tradition of sleeping altogether in the bunk beds in the boys room.(although Peighton has sworn it over with after this year!!) I have to give the kids some credit as they did allow Tim and I to sleep until 9:00 on Christmas morning!! They had a blast opening thier gifts and around 2:00 Aunt Raina and Uncle Scott came over with more presents! Daddy had to work that night so mom and Aunt Raina and Uncle Scott set off with the kids to visit Grommie and Papa. On the way there, we pass the Benningfield Cemetery so we visited Grandmommie's grave site, shed a little tears, and took a few pictures. We miss you so much Grandmommie! Merry Christmas!!
During the sugar cookie making, Peighton had an accident! (NOT! she just got into the red food coloring!)
Kami showing off her work of art!

Of course I had to make a Batman cookie for Nolan. I think he did a great job decorating it!

Nolan and Ashton

Kami and Peyton

Nolan made some reindeer food at school and was determined to sprinkle it on the lawn on Christmas Eve!

Getting ready to open Christmas Eve presents!

Showing off their new pj's!

Peighton's ornament

Coltin's ornament

Kami's ornament

Nolan didn't want to hang his ornaments! He wanted to play with them instead!

The Family ornament!



Caught in action!

Daddy was soooo excited to eat his pepperoni, sausage, banana pepper, and cheese pizza!

My annual kids on the stairs picture! They have to pose for me before they are allowed to come downstairs Christmas morning!

Zoey found a comfortable spot under the tree and watched everyone open presents!

Christmas morning!

Peighton loves New Moon!

Coltin has been needing and wanting a bag to carry his basketball shoes and clothes in. I had his name embroidered on the other side!

Yea! A scarf and hat to keep me warm!

Coltin got the PSP he asked for!

Nolan got the Batman sword he asked for!
Peighton got the video camera she asked for!

Kami got the scooter she asked for!

Aunt Raina and Uncle Scott got Coltin a game and some movies for his PSP.

Nolan LOVES the new clothes Dad and Mom got him!
Aunt Raina and Uncle Scott got Kami sapphire(her birthstone) earrings and necklace.

They gave Peighton a netbook/laptop.
Visiting Grandmommie's grave.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Nolan and I sit waiting for his bus to come every morning by ourselves. I enjoy this time as it gives us a few quiet moments to ourselves to just talk. Our conversations usually go something like this, "Mom, can I be a car rider today?" or "Do I have to wear a big coat?" But there are the special moments that I really can see his little mind turning and he asks me such sweet and innocent questions like this:

Nolan- "Mom, do flowers go to Heaven when they die?"

Mom-"I believe they do Nolan because Heaven is such a beautiful place that I can only imagine that flowers HAVE to be there."

Nolan- "Good because Grandmommie loves flowers!"

Even though he struggles to understand the death of his Great-Grandmother(Grandmommie), I feel as though it is through him and my other children that I find peace and comfort when I am having a hard day or moment. He has also asked me if she would look the same after she came back alive to which I replied that I thought so, except that she would be perfect and healthy in every way. He then touched me again by saying, "Good, cuz I want her to play baseball with me again someday!" I am so thankful that my children had the opportunity to be with her and make many memories as I have, that will last a lifetime until we can all one day be together again and make many more!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kami's baptism

Kamryn Alexis Yantz
Baptized by her father, Timothy Shawn Yantz
on November 7, 2009

Kami and Daddy before the baptism. They said they were "strong in faith"!
Grommie was able to come and be a part of this wonderful experience with Kami!

Joaquin really wanted to help his mommy sing and give her talk!

Kami and Haley Bowman. Haley's mom Maggie gave a wonderful little talk on Baptism. Kami has always had a special place in her heart for Sis Bowman and was so excited that she agreed to give a talk. Maggie was Kami's CTR 7 teacher.
Kami's best friend Peyton Wyatt came as well. After the baptism was over, our family decided to celebrate by going out to dinner! Kami picked Red Robin and Daddy told our waitress that this was a very special day for Kami and she brought out this little dessert for her! We all had a bite(or 2)!
Ummm, trying to get a family picture here but as we can didn't work out so well!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trying to catch up!

It has been a while since I have updated my blog. Alot has been going on and I do take pictures of events that happen, I just can't seem to find the time to post them! Nolan lost his first tooth at 5 1/2 years of age and I think this was harder on me than his 1st day of kindergarten. I don't know why. Maybe because I knew this was my last child to lose his 1st tooth? Who knows! He was so very excited and I didn't even realize it was loose until it was time to pull it out. Of course he wouldn't let Daddy do it! Only mommy! Since this 1st tooth, he has indeed lost 2 more in about 2 weeks time! So now he has a big "window" on bottom and a smaller "window" on top!
I was trying to get a picture of the "window!

Kami and Nolan love to play together at Peighton's soccer games when they aren't being ball boy/girls!
The 2 younger kids were really the only ones who was really excited about carving pumpkins this year! Coltin and Peighton did eventually participate and carve their own, but I didn't get pics!

I was able to go with Nolan and his class on a field trip to the pumpkin patch! it was alot of fun and I am so blessed to have a husband that provides for our family and allows me to do these kind of things with our children.

Nolan with his buddy Carter. I also took Nadia, one of the little girls that I keep.

This is one of my favorite pictures! I think it captures Nolan's sweet little personality!

Karmen and her boys have came for a month visit and were able to go with us to Nolan's "community helper" parade. Nolan really wanted to be Batman but was afraid he would get in trouble if the teachers didn't think he was a community helper! So he was happy with being a nurse/doctor just like his daddy!
His teacher was dressed just like him!

Daddy also accompanied me to Kami's school for her Halloween party. Here Daddy and Nolan are sitting on the carpet waiting for instructions from her teacher!

Kami was "Hannah Montana" for the Trunk or Treat at church, Nolan was of course Batman, Nadia was a butterfly princess, Joaquin was a Power Ranger, and little Zeke was Spidey!

For trick or treating, Kami decided to be a witch! Here she is with her BFF Peyton!
I captured this awesome picture of Tim wearing Kami's hat!

Peighton and Kelsey were "Glampires"!

She wanted to turn her friend Becca into a Glampire! haha

Coltin decided he wanted to participate in Aunt Raina's annual haunted house this year. He was a zombie and I think Raina did an awesome job with his costume and face painting! The haunted house was a huge success and raised lots of money for the "Scare for a Care". All the donations went to UK's children's hospital in Trystan's name to help fight childhood cancer!