Tuesday, February 3, 2009


For the last couple of months, Nolan has been calling pajamas, "kajamas". I haven't quite figured that one out yet. I thought maybe it was because I can be known to speak quite quickly, and that was what he was hearing as I said it. I don't think that is the reason now as I have been trying to speak more slowly for fear of making my children's speech unrecognizable! The southern draw is already there and they do NOT need any other issue to hinder them!! Anyway....he loves to wear his "kajamas" and has about 4 special pair that are his favs! 3 of them being Batman pajamas and the other one is a very soft and warm fleece pair with polar bear print all over. Nolan and I have made a deal that if he will accept what I have picked out for him to wear to church and school, that he can wear whatever he wants at most any other times. His #1 pick of attire wether it be just around the house, going to the grocery, picking up kids from school, or siblings basketball/soccer games, is his "kajamas". I have to admit that when I only had 1 or 2 children and would see other moms out with there kids wearing pajamas or costumes, I would think to myself "never in a million years!" Well, needless to say, I have been humbled by my little Nolan. There are more important things in life than what your little guy is wearing! His happiness and carefree spirit is such a joy to be around! If it makes him happy, I am happy!
I was given a gymbuck by a friend who wasn't going to use it, and since it was the last day before it expired, I got on-line to make a pruchase with it. I am quite obsessed with there clothing and was thrilled to have a 50% off coupon! While browsing on the site, I came across the same polar bear pajamas that Nolan has in a man's 2XL! Well, my first thought was, "will Tim wear these?" My next thought was,"well, for $10 he will!" They were originally around $50! When they arrived at the house on Saturday, Tim was working but Nolan couldn't wait to see them. He carried his and Daddy's around all day and was so excited to show Tim when he got home that night. Tim put them on for Nolan but said he couldn't sleep in them. They made a deal to wear their "kajamas" after church to watch the superbowl in! After church Nolan made a b-line srtaight for his! He was a little sad that Dad had to go back to church for a meeting and couldn't put his on right away. As soon as Dad came home and put them on, Nolan's little face was beaming! They started out watching the ball game but that didn't last very long. Before I knew it, I had 2 polar bear wearing kids running around the house playing hide and go seek! I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and father for my children. He is truely my knight in shining armor and then some!


Tyler and JoAnna Hamilton said...

I loved reading this--they are so adorable in their pajamas!!

Also- Gymboree is AWESOME! I bought me and Tyler matching christmas pajamas this year from there but they didn't have any left in Axl's size...then I went back with my Gymbuck and they had one in his size for next year...I can't wait!!!

Natalie said...

How stinkin cute is that! What a lucky little boy to have such a fun, amazing daddy...and what a lucky daddy to have such a darling, hillarious little boy! Every little boy needs a daddy like that...someone to love on, laugh with, and just be crazy with!

By the way, thanks again for the friendship bread...I'm mushing...and can't wait to try it out!